Waxler Immigration Law
immigration lawyer in Portland, Oregon
Providing Expert Individualized and Compassionate Representation in Your Immigration Case
Your immigration case deserves personalized care.
waxler immigration law is here to help.
For over 20 years, I have walked my immigration clients through the sometimes difficult and confusing journey to residency and naturalization. And in my experience, your case deserves more.
More than just legal terms. More than simply filling out paperwork.
More than rigid, cold, legal representation.
Your case is about much more than obtaining lawful immigration status or becoming a citizen. Your unique story and your bravery deserve a compassionate and human approach.
We want to support you and your family so that you can achieve your American Dream. Your case deserves the care, attention, and dedication that we pride ourselves in here at Waxler Immigration Law.
We will hold your hand every step of the way, through to your brand new beginning.
Let’s reach your new beginning, together.
experienced, personalized representation
20+ Years Experience
Attorney with over 20 years of experience in Immigration Law
60+ Countries Represented
Helped current and former
clients from over 60 countries
1000+ Cases
Expertise with over a thousand unique and diverse immigration cases
Bilingual Representation
Our staff are ready to assist you and your family in both English and Spanish
Our current and former clients include citizens of these countries:
Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Burma, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Fiji, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam…
Why Hire Waxler Immigration Law?
Imagine having an immigration advocate you trust to be with you on your immigration journey, whatever the challenges may be…
At Waxler Immigration Law, we understand that immigrating is a journey that takes incredible courage.
The U.S. immigration laws can be challenging, confusing, and even heartbreaking. We understand that sometimes things feel unjust or too hard, and that even in the simplest of immigration cases the process can be overwhelming.
It is our mission to empower you, to give you the clarity and truth about how the law applies in your case, and to give you the information you need to make decisions for you and your family.
We will listen diligently to your story and find the best path to legal status for your unique case.
By choosing our office to assist you with your immigration case, you will be supported by an advocate who truly cares about you, your story, and your family – and not just your immigration case.
Whether the journey takes six months or sixteen years, we will walk with you every step of the way.
It is our goal to make sure our clients have not only excellent legal representation, but that they also have an advocate in their corner that they can trust no matter how long it takes and what challenges meet them along the way.